GITA 1 - Joel Kuk

This is my webpage for GITA 1. We are studying C#.
It's my second year of computer science. It was confusing
to learn at first but then it got interesting and entertaining
as we learned more advanced coding.

About Page


In our first project, we learned how to use buttons and labels to make an about page of a made-up company. We made a logo and slogan and learned to display text with different colors and fonts in different languages.

Mailing Label


This was our second project of the year, and we were required to make a mailing label that gets the user's inputs. I learned to use textboxes in this project.

Car Rental


In my third project, I had to make a program that helps calculate the amount of money a car rental charges its customers. I learned to use variables to keep track of money and to calculate many things such as the total charge, # of cars rented, and the average money spent.

BMI Calculator


In our fourth project, we had to make a program that gets the user's height and weight in metric/imperial system to calculate their BMI. We also made a healthy menu for all three meals for the whole week.

Car Rental Upgrade


In our fifth project, we recreated the car rental project with additional features. There were different cars with different prices with different add-ons to the car.

Triangle Checker


In my sixth project, I made a program that takes the lengths of the 3 sides of a triangle and classifies the type of triangle, type of angle, and shows the picture of the triangle.

Craps Game


In the seventh project, I made a program is based off the actual craps game. We used random numbers to roll 2 dice and play the game.

Slot Machine


In my eighth project, I made a program that simulates a slot machine. It takes in bets and you can roll the machine to see if you are lucky enough to get 3 of the same fruits in a row.

Robotics - Over Under Calculator


In our ninth project, we made a program that calculates the score for a robotics competition. It scores for many categories, and checks if the red or blue team scored the highest to decide who wins.

Incremental Game


In my tenth project, we made a project that is cookie clicker, but we got to choose what we click. We learned to implement sound to our program and added special upgrades of our choice to make the game more interesting.

Spooky Staircase


In my eleventh project, I made a program that simulates a person walking up or down a stair. Once he reaches the end, monsters or aliens can surprise you. We learned to use arrays in this project.

AI Chase


In my twelvth project, I made a project where an ai chases you to drain all your health, and you have to shoot to kill the ai. The ai gets faster as it dies, and the objective is to last the longest.

2D Submarines


In my thirteenth program, I made a submarine simulation that randomly moves 2 different sumbarines. We learned to use a 2D array to make a kind of coordinate plane to move around objects.

Fishing Simulator


In our fourteenth project, we made a simulation of a boat fishing for 20 fish in the ocean. An ai shark will be chasing the fish for a good meal.

Tic Tac Toe


In my fifteenth project, I made a program that allows you to play tic-tac-toe. It is a two player game, and counts how many times each player wins.

Math Menu


In my sixteenth project, I made a program that is like a calculator for basic and advanced math. I learned to make many forms to organize my program.

Simple Board Game


In my seventeenth project, I made a program that allows you to play a board game. You can roll the die and different spots you land on have different effects on your piece.

Bee Simulator


In my eighteenth project, I made a program that simulates bees going to a flower to collect pollen and returning to its hive. There also is a shop that allows you to buy special features with pollen.

Final Project


In my ninteenth and final project, I made a project where you play tennis against a CPU. You can shoose the level of the CPU and the color of your charcater.